Možnica Gorges Featured

In the valley of Možnica river, which has carved its way between the two 'giants' near Bovec – Mt. Rombon and Mt. Jerebica – you will find a playful stream. It is mostly known under the name Možnica, but the locals call it Nemčlja. Its spring is already quite interesting on its own. When it rains heavily the water near the spring practically erupts from underneath the rocks. Then the stream calms down a bit and in the lower part of the river it roars off and flows into Koritnica river. On the way you can see some splendid waterfalls and take a look at the gorges from a small footbridge. If you do the whole route as it is described below, take some 'adventure spirit' with you and be prepared to 'plod through the woods'.

Starting point:
Drive towards Predel pass from Bovec. Behind Kluže fortress, proceed towards Log pod Mangrtom. After about 2 kilometers park at a small parking lot on the left side of the road (pay attention to a narrow dirt road which branches off to the left).

Go down to Koritnica river from the parking lot, cross a bridge and turn right before a lonesome house. Cross a fence (close the gate!) and continue straight on a grassy path. Before long, you come to a place where lime used to be burnt. Then a gently sloping delightful path leads you onwards, crosses a scree slope and occasionally offers an amazing view on Mt. Mangart. After a while, the path guides you up to the left and takes you to a dirt road. Turn left here and after about 10 minutes descend on a marked path towards Možnica or Nemčlja gorges (signs on wooden stakes). The path soon leads you to a small bridge over Možnica river, under which raging water roars. The sight of the gorges is safest from the bridge itself.

If you cross the bridge and proceed on a marked path to the left (the 'Path of peace' with red-black markings), you come to an incredible viewpoint towards the Great Možnica Waterfall in 10 minutes (keep left at all crossroads). An 18 meters high waterfall falls from a narrow gorge through a natural bridge or window into an open pool. The ground here is extremely steep so be careful not to slip. The view point is somewhat secured with steel cables. Go back to the bridge on the same path, cross it and continue ascending on the left bank of Možnica. The path moves away from the stream slightly and comes to a meadow with a hunting lookout point. At the end of the meadow turn left onto a forest road, which goes down slowly towards Možnica again. The road ends, you have to cross a rough scree slope and at the end of it you come to a beautiful 5-meter high waterfall. At first is flows underneath a giant rock and then it falls down under a peculiar natural bridge (just like Great Možnica Waterfall, only smaller).

The paths disappear here (at least we did not find one). Make your way along the stream across rocks and steep ground past small gorges and after around 20 minutes, you reach the spring of Možnica (or Nemčlja). There are countless springs and the surroundings are very wild. At first, you set your eyes on an 8-meter thin waterfall, which comes to the surface directly out of the rock. There are a few similar small waterfalls or springs above it. Besides that, water springs out from numerous rocks nearby. It is fantastic here during rainy periods, but you might be a bit disappointed in the dry ones.

Look for a narrow footpath and some faded markings directly opposite of the 8-meter waterfall. A nicely visible path leads you back to the road in on a gentle slope. Descend on the road to the meadow with the hunting lookout point and return to the bridge over Možnica river on the path of your ascent. From the bridge go back along the same way until you merge with a wider path and then take a sharp right turn there. Follow the signposts on wooden stakes down an occasionally poorly visible path. It takes you back to the spot where lime was burnt. From here you already know the path to the starting point.

On your way back towards Bovec, stop by Kluže fortress. Visit it and then take a look from a bridge into the deep gorges of Koritnica river!

Basic info:
Duration: 4 h
Length: 7.5 km
Altitude difference: 350 m
Type of path: partially demanding and partially marked path

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